Taurus and Taurus _ Love Compatibility

August 12, 2024

Earth with Earth produces a very stable, conservative, down to earth association and your relationship has enduring qualities because you both have a desire to maintain the status- quo.

Naturally this can lead to some degree of being stuck in a rut, or following a lifestyle, which appears stodgy to more adventurous types. When provoked both can be jealous and possessive because both people have a cautious outlook, this team lacks dynamic initiative.


The longer these two stick together the longer they stay in the same place. This seems secure but it's the worst kind of stagnation.

The Male or Female of this sign is so similar that life will be either full of trauma or full of boredom. Miss Taurus will run the domestic environment with competence and efficiency something her male Taurus will love and respect her for. Sensible approach to the financial side of life and her strong business instincts both meet with his approval. She is a splendid hostess and can cope with a large number of guests as efficiently as she would a dinner for two, remaining cool and unflustered throughout. This is important as they have a shared interest in the culinary arts, and food and entertaining are often an over-emphasised part of their life together.

Both parties need to express their feelings and you will strive to share your emotions with each other. The main source of trouble in this partnership could be the well-developed Taurean stubbornness and jealousy; cross-questioning on each other's movements could lead to violent quarrels.

The physical appetites are strong so time together could be split between the kitchen and the bedroom. The sex life is an important part of their relationship but every thing is fairly straightforward, a good match.

Where you have a Taurean relationship you find two happy, golly people whose lives revolve around each other. Due to being so similar -both vices and virtues- this union is either excellent or a total disaster.

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