
Pendragon are currently seeking genuine readers to join our team.

If you are Clairvoyant, Psychic, Medium or Tarot Reader looking to work part time from home this could be a great opportunity to make the most of your talents.

We are looking for caring dedicated readers to provide their service over our phone system.
You are experienced and have had good feedback on your readings. Not necessary to have worked over the phone before.

We offer a range of shift options during the day and we are also looking for a night owl who is available and enjoys working later into the night.

To summarise the position:

Part time hours
Weekly payment
Work from home
Morning, afternoon and evening shifts are available
no limit on your potential
full support from the Pendragon team
If you are interested in finding out more please give us a call on 0800 73 63 72

or fill out the contact form below with any questions and we will contact you.

We look forward to hearing from you

Thank You

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