Gemini and Aries _ Love Compatibility

August 28, 2024


Fire with air is a very agreeable combination and since you both generate a busy, lively atmosphere life is not boring. Gemini's wits can match the Aries fighting spirit. Both signs enjoy variety, action, discovering, doing new things, a happy relationship if you share your interests


She has the temper that will shake him out of his senses and if he begins to play games he will end up out in the cold, as well as the famous Aries temper beware of the equally effective Aries ice as they freeze you emotionally. In this union Miss Aries is going to need to develop a keen sense of justice and patient, neither of which comes easily to her.

Mr Gemini can be exalted one moment and deep in depression the next, behaviour that leaves her totally confused. He is eloquent, artistic and frequently superficial, his mind ceaselessly working and often appearing to be on two different subjects at once. She may be attracted by his good looking, sociable and amusing man, but her desire to dominate could bring out his rebellious tendencies; though at times this trait of hers might amuse him and laugh it off, other times he could revolt lose his temper and walk out.

This man likes to have fun and be mentally stimulated at the same time much the same as Aries. If she tries to change him too obviously
There will be conflict so she must be careful not to upset him. IN finance he can be reckless, as much as her so who controls the money is a big question.

Sexually they seem compatible for most of the time but he has strange moods, which he expects to find novelty and surprise. He could be stimulated by a pornographic book or film or simply by the things she may say to him, for straightforward lovemaking can seem to much of a dreary task to him and one he can easily find an excuse for not doing.

To avoid such a bad state of affairs she will need to provide some of the spice he is looking for, but as Miss Aries's imagination is not so fertile as his she could repeat herself and find a bored man on her hands.


Here the challenge never stops. They get to each other but neither wants to be the one to say. A complex relationship.

The Gemini woman could be impressed by this man's strength of character, independence and confidence; his quick decisive manner in love or business and his search for new ideas seem at first to be akin to her own personality.

Mr Aries will quickly assume the role of leader in their relationship and for a time this may appeal as a novel experience-until she realises that he means it then she could become bored.

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