Taurus and Aries _ Love Compatibility

August 28, 2024

Fire with Earth is not an easy combination, since the needs, natures, likes and dislikes of these two signs are so very different.
There will be difficulties unless a compromise is reached. Aries needs the stimulus of new enterprises and challenges whereas Taurus prefers quiet stability. Aries can become irritated or impatient with the Taureans slowness, stubbornness and stay-put attitude.
Aries is very generous with affection with a number of people whereas Taurus likes to keep affection mainly for their intimate partner. Taurus can be secretive while Aries prefers honesty
The main differences in character are Taurus proceeds cautiously, likes to be in control and can tend to smother their partner. Aries needs freedom to move around and enjoys attention while the Taurean could become jealous of this situation.
Both are reasonably stubborn signs so unless some degree of understanding is displayed there could be disagreements. Aries gets angry quickly but look out if the normally placid but emotional Taurus loses his/her calm nature. When Taurus blows his/her cool look out they have one of the worst tempers in the Zodiac.


They are heading in opposite directions but only she is going anywhere. His lack of adventure and risk taking could bore her to death. Mr Taurus is strong and set in his ways, while Aries instinctively wants to be involved in new ventures all the time. He has a more conservative style compared to her broad outlook on life. Both will want to be the boss so a clash of wills is inevitable.
Taurus loves the arts and often pursues an involvement with something creative while his Arian lady might not share this interest. He has very high standards and demands probably more than Aries will deliver. Taurus can be very hard to please and often remain jealous and possessive no matter how hard Aries tries.
In the bedroom you both have a keen appetite. Taurus male's places sex above many things and it is very important to him being ruled by Venus which rules love but here it meets it's opposite Mars the planet of war and the combination is not ideal.


Miss Aries will have to accept that this is a man not to be pushed around or pressurise in any way, for his strength of character matches his own.
A mutual weakness is their inclination to selfishness, the ability to give and take being underdeveloped in both types. And while she laboriously takes on one task at a time and sees it through to the bitter end, Her Aries mate will start and drop many because his interest is busily charmed away by some new challenge. His desire to move around can slash violently with her liking for familiar places and people.

Mr Aries likes to think he can succeed in a relationship, however; this, coupled with her stubborn insistence on continuing an affair long after she has realised that it is failing, could keep them together.
Sex-wise, she may accuse him of inhibitions, for he lives largely in the mind, but with patience she may be able to draw him out. Unfortunately, this is a delicate situation requiring much understanding, and she handles this in her usual way, (like a bull in a china shop) this could make him retreat further away with less sexual expression.

The Taurean tendency to nag unmercifully could bring out the Arietian sadistic streak. This might result in physical fights or, at the worst in a sadistic sexual relationship. If he has an earthy presence in his chart there could be long passionate encounters maybe even outside where the Taurean loves to get it on.

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