Taurus and Sagittarius _ Love Compatibility

A Blend of Stability and Adventure Taurus and Sagittarius form a fascinating but challenging match, where the steadfastness of Taurus meets the free-spirited energy of Sagittarius. While they have very different approaches to life and love, with effort and compromise, this pairing can lead to an enriching relationship where both partners balance each other's qualities. […]

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Aries and Capricorn _ Love Compatibility

This combination of Fire with Earth can be a stressful one; especially since Aries' ruling planet Mars is impatient and fiery whereas Capricorn's ruler Saturn is cautious, sombre, slow and deliberate. Both signs like to get the top of any challenge they are faced with. Aries will tend to jump into things without always investigating, […]

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Gemini and Cancer - Love Compatibility

The air sign Gemini is mentally oriented, whereas the water element of Cancer emphasises the emotions, so there is a marked contrast in your natures. All the variety, which is the spice of life to Gemini, can make Cancer feel unsettled or uneasy.Gemini men and women like to get around and do things usually at […]

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Aries and Virgo _ Love Compatibility

A Unique Balance of Passion and Precision Aries and Virgo may seem like an unlikely match at first glance, but their relationship can be one of exciting growth and mutual learning. Aries, ruled by Mars, is bold, spontaneous, and driven by passion. Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is meticulous, practical, and values stability. While their contrasting […]

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Aries and Gemini _ Love Compatibility

Fire with air is a very agreeable combination and since you both generate a busy, lively atmosphere life is not boring. Gemini's wits can match the Aries fighting spirit. Both signs enjoy variety, action, discovering, doing new things, a happy relationship if you share your interests ARIES WOMAN with GEMINI MAN She has the temper […]

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Aries and Taurus _ Love Compatibility

Fire with Earth is not an easy combination, since the needs, natures, likes and dislikes of these two signs are so very different.There will be difficulties unless a compromise is reached. Aries needs the stimulus of new enterprises and challenges whereas Taurus prefers quiet stability. Aries can become irritated or impatient with the Taureans slowness, […]

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Aries and Pisces _ Love Compatibility

Your ruling planets, fiery Mars and watery Neptune are entirely different in nature, so if you are true to your sign type you are worlds apart, and it could be difficult to find common ground. Positive, active Aries cannot fathom the nebulous, mysterious substance of Pisces who often irritates Aries by appearing to be negative […]

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Aries and Aquarius _ Love Compatibility

Both Aries and Aquarius are the pioneers of the Zodiac. Looking into the Future together could be a FANTASTIC learning opportunity for you both. Aries loves new experiences while Aquarius has many different interests to share in the relationship. Aquarius likes the Aries initiative, so together you may search out new and exciting adventures or […]

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The Benefits of Meditation

We have all heard of the saying ‘mind, body and soul’.  It is very easy to find information and things that stimulate the mind and nourish the physical body, but what is your soul and how do you connect with it? You are more than your physical body, your soul is your higher self, a […]

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What to do while in the 'In-Between' Transition Times In Life?

We live in a culture that has used the masculine model of living which focuses on having everything mapped out and the destination known, which gives us certainty. However, sometimes in life we are in the "In Between" place which requires time to allow our journey to unfold. While in this process of transition its […]

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