The Benefits of Meditation

We have all heard of the saying ‘mind, body and soul’.  It is very easy to find information and things that stimulate the mind and nourish the physical body, but what is your soul and how do you connect with it? You are more than your physical body, your soul is your higher self, a […]

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But, does he love me?

Women forever have consulted Tarot wanting to know. Does he love me? They perform little rituals like plucking a petal from a flower.  He loves me. He loves me not. I have a spread that I use when reading Tarot for the love-lorn. A spread where I ask the Tarot. What are this person’s thoughts, […]

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5 Secret Irish Magic Practices that actually work!

We all know of the Irish book burning, but hardly any of us really comprehend why it happened. During a time in history when many power-hungry individuals were trying to "Pinky and the Brain" the world; Irish "magic" was very much a threat. We all know from science that belief, thought and emotion all influence […]

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What to do while in the 'In-Between' Transition Times In Life?

We live in a culture that has used the masculine model of living which focuses on having everything mapped out and the destination known, which gives us certainty. However, sometimes in life we are in the "In Between" place which requires time to allow our journey to unfold. While in this process of transition its […]

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How To Use Sage To Clear Your Space

How To Use Sage To Clear Your Space, Your Home and Personal Energy We focus on looking after ourselves in life, our bodies with exercise, diets and skin care so why shouldnt we take care of our energetic bodies too? One way we can clear our energy is to burn Sage. So how do you […]

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Witches Alchemy Tips 

For more power to charge towards ones intentions and manifestations, one can align their practises to be actualized under certain energy. For instance,If we are under Venus energy, we usually feel more loving, kind, logical, patient and motherly.If one wants to attract love, then it would be wise to do ones practise under this energy or […]

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The Power of Daily Journaling Practice To Deepen Your Spiritual Connection

Have you ever wondered how to add a morning journaling practice to your daily routine?. Here is an example of how to start your day by embracing your inner self and diving into your intuition and connecting with spirit. It may be that not all of these examples will work for you in your life, […]

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Symbolism & Tarot

The universal language of Earth is symbology. Symbols and pictures are the only way to communicate that everyone on earth understands.  The creator of our universe is unbiased, and while utilising the many languages of mankind, most also use symbology to communicate because it cannot be misinterpreted.  From animals and their attributes, to pictures and […]

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Ace of Cups - Love is the Word.

The Ace of Cups means a new beginning in love - a great love. The golden chalice is filled to overflowing with beauty and sensory pleasure and gorgeous good feelings. It represents a peak experience.  The Ace of Cups is a spiritual card representing you being in flow with spirit - and so the Ace […]

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Daily Prize draw!

Pendragon Psychics & Tarot are celebrating mid-winter with a daily prize give-away for the month of August Get a clairvoyant reading for yourself and enter the daily prize draw to win a personally crafted limited edition cocosoy candle 31 Candles to be won - A candle a day What do you win? - A hand-wicked, […]

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