Discovering Crystals

Crystals have long been prized for their protective powers and beauty. Cultures around the world consider them sacred and their spiritual nature is witnessed by those awakened to the subtle energies of our existence. Most children are drawn to them in their innocence with a sense of wonder. The healing energies of crystals are now […]

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Aromatherapy Oils For Health and Vitality

A number of aromatherapy oils have depurative properties. The meaning of the word depurative is that these oils mentioned below assist your body to cleanse or purify itself. It can also assist in the removal of waste products from the body and support the lymphatic system. How to Use Aromatherapy Oils In Your Healthcare Regime: […]

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A Little Bit of Money Magick

There are times in our lives we can find ourselves dealing with financial problems.  Sometimes we only have ourselves to blame, but there are other times this lack of financial flow can be due to obstacles or blockages in our homes.  This can occur even when we are doing our best and watching our financial […]

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Mercury in Gemini - A Pull to Socialise

On the 3rd of May, Mercury moves into Gemini. Air is the element of Gemini with Mercury being the ruler of Gemini itself, therefore Mercury is at home when it returns to the sign of Gemini. Mercury is the messenger planet. It is the fastest planet in our solar system; representing communication, travel, thoughts, ideas, […]

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Feng Shui - Improve Bedroom Energy

A Beginners Guide To Feng Shui In the Bedroom 10 Tips To Improve Your Bedroom Energy To Attract Love Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and science. It has been in use for 3,000 years. It is a body of knowledge designed to improve the balance of energies in a particular space. Consider your […]

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A Little Water Magick

About 70% of our Earth is covered with water and our body’s are around 60%. Water plays the most important role in our existence, without it there is no life. The Element Water in magick is connected with our emotions, our souls & our dream state. As an element used in magick water’s uses range […]

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Tarot Cards - the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana

A basic tarot card deck has 78 cards. The deck is divided into the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. Arcana means the secret of the mysteries. The Major Arcana represents archetypes/stereotypes/ideals of universal life experiences which myths and legends are based on. Whereas the Minor Arcana focuses more on the decisions and influences of […]

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An introduction to Tarot

A traditional tarot card deck has 78 cards each with its own imagery and symbolism. Each card represents different aspects of life, situations or personal characteristics. When read as a spread or combination of cards, the cards become a tool to create a picture that tells a story that relates to the person who has […]

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Feast Day of Saint Agabus

Did you know that there is a Patron Saint of Fortune Tellers? There is!, February 13th is Feast Day for St Agabus. St Agabus had the gift of prophecy and predicted an empire-wide famine that occurred in 49 _ the time of Claudius. Agabus is also believed to have told Paul not to go to […]

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Curious about the Future?

We are all curious about what the future holds in store for us.As every decision we make through our free will could potentially alter the course of our destiny, wouldn’t it be nice to know what may be waiting for us in the future?That’s why so many people across the nation have called the psychic […]

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