Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

General Questions

What services can we offer you at Pendragon Psychics and Tarot?
We offer psychic, clairvoyant (sight), clairaudient (hear) and clairsentient (sense) readings, along with Mediumship. Tarot cards, Lenormand (also known as fortune cards) and pendulum answers. You may get a combination of different reading types, where a reader will utilise all their skills.

How do I book a session?
Simply pick up the phone and dial toll free 0800 73 63 72 for bookings and enquires, our friendly customer team are ready to help.
You can also book online on our website using the booking form on the home page or the booking forms on each readers individual profile page. Find out more

Are your services available online or in-person only?
All our services are over the phone only. We do not offer face-to-face readings.

Do I need to prepare anything before my session?
You can have your questions prepared for your reader to answer, or choose to have a general reading.
A quiet space to take in all the information your reader has for you.

Psychic Readings
What types of psychic readings do you offer?
We offer psychic, clairvoyant (sight), clairaudient (hear) and clairsentient (sense) readings, along with Mediumship.

How accurate are your psychic readings?
We have many testimonials from satisfied customers, which can be found here. What do our clients say?

Can a psychic reading help with my current problems or future decisions?
Yes it can, we have a dedicated a page to understand the benefits of a psychic reading.

How long does a typical psychic reading session last?
It really depends how many questions you have or how in-depth you want to go. Sometimes one question can lead to another question that hadn’t original occurred to you. On average though, the call length average is around 20 mins. 

Can I ask specific questions during a psychic reading?
Yes you can.

Tarot Readings
What is tarot reading, and how does it work?
A Tarot reading is a practice that involves using a deck of tarot cards to gain insight into the past, present, or future by formulating a question, then drawing and interpreting cards. It is often used for personal guidance, spiritual growth, and decision-making.

What is a Tarot Deck?
A tarot deck typically consists of 78 cards, divided into two main sections:
1. Major Arcana (22 cards): These cards represent significant life events or spiritual lessons. Examples include The Fool, The Magician, and The World.
2. Minor Arcana (56 cards): These cards are divided into four suits (Cups, Pentacles, Swords, and Wands), each containing 14 cards. The suits represent different aspects of life, such as emotions (Cups), material aspects (Pentacles), intellect (Swords), and creativity/action (Wands).
How Does Tarot Reading Work?
3. Formulating a Question: The querent (person seeking guidance) typically starts by asking a specific question or focusing on a particular area of their life.
4. Shuffling the Deck: The reader shuffles the deck while focusing on the querent's question or situation.
5. Drawing the Cards: Cards are drawn from the deck in a specific spread. Common spreads include:
• Single Card Draw: Offers a quick insight or answer to a question.
• Three-Card Spread: Represents past, present, and future or situation, action, and outcome.
• Celtic Cross Spread: A more detailed spread offering a comprehensive view of the querent's situation.
6. Interpreting the Cards: The reader interprets the cards based on their positions in the spread, their individual meanings, and the overall context of the querent's question. This involves a combination of traditional card meanings, intuition, and sometimes psychic insight.
Major Arcana Examples:
• The Fool: Represents new beginnings, innocence, and adventure.
• The Magician: Symbolizes manifestation, resourcefulness, and power.
• The Tower: Indicates sudden change, upheaval, and revelation.
Minor Arcana Examples:
• Ace of Cups: Represents new emotional beginnings, love, and intuition.
• Three of Pentacles: Signifies teamwork, collaboration, and building something of value.
• Ten of Swords: Indicates endings, betrayal, and hitting rock bottom.
• Card Position: The meaning of a card can change depending on its position in the spread.
• Card Interactions: The way cards relate to each other in a spread can influence their interpretation.
• Reader's Intuition: Our skilled readers will use their intuition to provide a nuanced and personalized reading.
Uses of Tarot Reading:
• Self-Reflection: Helps individuals gain insight into their own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
• Guidance: Offers advice and perspectives on specific questions or life situations.
• Spiritual Growth: Assists in exploring spiritual paths and understanding deeper life lessons.
• Decision Making: Provides clarity and options for making informed choices.

What kind of questions can I ask during a tarot reading?
Any question you have. The more concise your question is, will get the right answer more quickly, also asking a question another way may get you a more concise result.

How should I interpret the cards drawn during a tarot session?
The reader will discuss the cards in front of them and what they mean for you. If you have knowledge of the Tarot you will understand how the reader came to the conclusions for you. Cards are influenced by surrounding cards and paint a picture. The death card is an example. On its own it does not mean death, but the end of a cycle. . Paired with cups _ an end to a relationship, wands, could signify change in job, swords, the end of difficulties.

How often should I get a tarot reading?
As often as you like, some clients may need more guidance during a difficult or stressful time, while others may just require a general reading once in a while.

Are tarot readings influenced by personal beliefs or religion?

Confidentiality and Privacy
Are my sessions confidential?
Yes, you are anonymous apart from your first name, as are the readers. Calls are recorded and are only ever accessed when there is a concern for a client's well being _ if there has been talk of personal harm and genuine concern for your well being. This information will be relayed to the appropriate services for assessment if an intervention is the best course of action. If no issue like the one mentioned calls are automatically deleted after 24 hrs.

Will my personal information be kept private?
Yes. We share with no one, unless requested under court order by police or banks in the case of fraud.
Privacy Policy  and Terms and conditions

Can I share my session with someone else or bring a friend along?
Of course you can. Have your phone on speaker to allow your friend to listen in too.

Payment and Cancellations
What are your rates for psychic and tarot readings?
Calls are charged per minute @ $3.99 p/min plus GST. You are only charged for the minutes you use. For credit card and debit cards we obtain a deposit by authorisation prior to your reading either $70 which covers 15-23 minutes, to give you an idea 15 mins is $68.82 including GST ; or $100 which covers 20-34 minutes. Your reading is charged the full amount at the end of your reading, If your reading is under 15 mins your authorisation will be completed for the actual time used, eg if your call is only 10 mins your completion will be $45.88 incl GST. You may see two charges when Visa/Mastercard catches up and drops the initial dep off. If your reading goes over the time limits, you may see an extra charge for the time the deposit does not cover.

What payment methods do you accept?
Currently Debit or credit cards with the logos for Visa, Mastercard, Amex and Diners Club on them. We also have set amounts using Polipay for bank to bank transfers if you don’t wish to use a debit or credit card Paypal is also available.

What is your cancellation policy?
Call our customer care team on 0800 73 63 72 and cancel. There is no charge for cancellation. Any deposit will be refunded as soon as possible.

Do you offer refunds if I am not satisfied with my session?
Our readers should tell you if they are unable to connect with you, and to call the office for another reader. You will not be charged if your reader requests this. If you think the reader is not for you. Politely end the call as soon as possible and call our Customer Care team on 0800 73 63 72 who will listen to your concerns. Typically you will be given the opportunity be booked with another reader, with no charge for the reading you are unhappy with. If there is still a problem we are happy to discuss other options with you.

Additional Services
Do you offer any workshops or classes on psychic development or tarot reading?
No, however we do have information on the Tarot Cards available on our website along with interesting articles

Can I purchase gift certificates for your services?
Yes, our customer care team can organise this for you on 0800 73 63 72, or visit our shop and choose your value. 
The gift certificate can be emailed to you or posted.

Do you provide group readings or events for parties and gatherings?
Yes we do events in the Auckland area only. Book here

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