

I have been naturally intuitive all of my life, and for the last 15 years I have been actively helping people with my spiritual gifts. I am a Medium and Clairvoyant.

Every reading is different and I use the tools I am guided to so that I give you the best possible reading. Sometimes I will use Oracle cards or Crystals to enhance readings.
There may be times where loved ones come through to give words of comfort from the other side.

I love giving inspirational, positive and uplifting readings. And I know spirit will guide me to give you the reading you need.

We all have times when we are unsure of which choice to make or what direction to go in, a reading can help provide you with clarity and insights into your choices.

I would love to help you feel more confident and positive about your life.

Monday, away
Tuesday, 8am - 1pm
Thursday, 8am - 1pm

"I always call Julie for clear honest guidance, a great thing to have, thanks Julie" 👍 H.P.

Credit card bookings and enquires
0800 73 63 72
Get your reading - Call now or use the booking form below
Calls cost $3.99 p/min + GST

Online Booking for Julie

The online booking service is for clients wanting to use a credit, debit card, polipay, or internet banking. For your convenience you can use the booking form to book a reading in advance with Julie.

Julie's availability is displayed on the booking form calendar.

Payment for online bookings: At the start of your appointment one of our friendly office personnel will call to complete your card details, this will only take a couple of minutes. You can then begin your reading. Calls cost $3.99 a min+GST.

Follow our simple booking steps:

Book a time that suits you
We will confirm the booking and then
Call you at the appointed time
Note: You are only charged for the time spent with the reader, no additional costs or booking charges apply.

Submit a testimonial for Julie
  • Testimonials for Julie

    "Hi my reading with Julie was clear and accurate, she was very understaning and helpful. She also had a warm and honest approach, I really appreciated the reading. Thank you"

    M. M. Wellington
  • Testimonials for Julie

    "I just want to thank Julie for her insight and wisdom. It really helps my world make sense and helps with making good decisions"

  • Testimonials for Julie

    "Just like to share with Julie that a message was left on my phone yesterday afternoon, but I didn't read till this morning at work that my house has sold and for the amount that I was wanting. Thank you so much for your guidance. Yay!, Yuss! Boom!

  • Testimonials for Julie

    "My reading with Julie was an insightful view of where I am now and her reading showed me the options I had available going forward, awesome"

    P.R. Auckland
  • Testimonials for Julie

    "Thank u for a lovely reading it gave me some peace, u were very accurate and I enjoyed the reading very much can't thank u enough cheers"

    Wendy H. Thames
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