Fire with fire is a very positive combination and providing both don't try and be the boss this can be a very stimulating duo .Leo can appreciate the Aries drive and initiative, while Aries is not overwhelmed by the big ideas power and largeness of Leo. Both signs are out going, extroverted, warm, zealous and vibrant.
Aries appreciates the real warmth from the company of Leo and they are often good friends as well as lovers. In the bedroom that warmth is kindled into fire as these two are almost boundless in their expression of love for each other
Often friends and admirers surround both these signs and they lap up any attention. As a couple you are great entertainers, you know how to have fun, through a party and are great company.
Both Leo and Aries love flirting but because both signs are freedom seeking
There is a sense of understanding. Underneath all the action Aries and Leo are really searching for somewhere to be loved unconditionally and there is no reason they can't find it together.
Between these two there is warmth, passion and admiration. He is one of the few who can get away with telling her what to do. The confidence of Aries could hold great attraction for the Leo woman. He seems to be constantly involved in a fight with life and earns her respect. His impulsive streak, however, may worry her for in most thongs she prefers to take her time and consider before acting.
The egos of both are exceptionally sensitive, she needs plenty of admiration and praise and he needs her encouragement in all his business activities, and when either ego is threatened they can become overbearing and violent, dramatic quarrels will take place however both of you do enjoy a good argument. The Aries male will not object to his Lioness having a career or ambitions in life just as long as he is not overshadowed.
Financial problems could strike this couple as they both enjoy the full comforts of life and either sign will not handle this pressure well.
Their aggressive traits could find their way into the bedroom especially after one of those fiery arguments (he may enjoy making love to her while hating her at the same time.) Sexually these two are very compatible a fiery relationship all-round.
Passion personified. When they sit together the world disappears. She may get more than she bargained for. This could be an instantaneous, fiery attraction, full of passion, warmth and absorption in each other. But trouble could spring from Leo's need for continuous admiration and for being treated as king of their castle, because Miss Aries is not naturally demonstrative. She will resent his love of flattery, especially if it comes from an attractive girl, but if her love is strong enough she may see how important this is to him and do her best to supply it herself.
She will have to aim at being his greatest admirer, all woman and all women rolled into one. The Lion will be able to handle his mate's restlessness and need for mental stimulation. While occasionally arrogant and patronising he may rightly point out that these traits are part of her personality also.
Mr Leo enjoys his sex and is adaptable, and when she decides to take the lead he will be most appreciative, being open-minded to the suggestions she will no doubt make.
This can be an excellent relationship with effort on both sides.
Earth with Fire, two such strong-willed signs could cause conflict and opposition unless you both learn to compromise and practice some give and take.
Leo thrives on the attention and affection, which Taurus can give so naturally.
Taurus is often willing to be dominated by Leo until one day Taurus revolts.
Leo's big ideas can also disturb the tranquil Bull
Sexually she spells animal but can exhaust him if he is the ambitious type. Usually a relationship based on blind infatuation.
Miss Taurus may not be able to help herself
Miss Taurus may be unable to prevent herself from falling in love with this man; he has all the qualities that strongly attract her. His strength, warmth and generosity draw her to him, while he admires her sophistication and effortless financial ability. Mr Leo can quite easily ignore those aspects of her personality, which irritate him, and her gift of expression will provide all the praise and admiration he needs to hear.
Sometimes the Taurean female will feel a bit rebellious because she is a pretty stubborn leader in her own way. The Leo male can get a little too bossy and arrogant and she may feel a bit neglected or taken for granted.
Mr Leo is excellent at providing all the comforts of life, the material things that satisfy her need for financial security but she may feel that this compensates for the lack of emotional compatibility.
This lack of concern for her feelings is carried over into the bedroom
Because although he thinks he's romantic the Taurus lady ruled by the planet Venus needs more loving than your average girl.
Leo must pay her more attention and don't forget he acts just like his namesake The Lion spending as much time in the sun or resting in the shade while the lioness does all the work. To maintain harmony he must work on the romantic side of the relationship reassuring her of his total love for her.
This relationship begins as total infatuation but unless these strong signs display understanding it will not progress much further.
Not a match made in heaven as both have wills to topple the highest oak. Purely a sexual affair.
Leo loves being in love and follows his/her heart; Taurus is one of the best in the lovemaking game so this is where they connect. Out of bed the natural flamboyance of Leo will contrast with the less publicly demonstrative Taurus.
These two often met on the rebound Leo woman has just finished a relationship where she had to do a lot of the decision making, so when in this mood the placid solid character of the Taurus male is very attractive. He responds to her personality by becoming more outward and social.
The trouble could start over silly little things, as you are both quite stubborn.
If either party believes they are right arguments will ensue with both of you capable of displaying violent tempers. You are both very unadaptable so you must live with each other's differences because you will find it impossible to change each other.
Taurean males need financial security while his Leo partner could be guilty of extravagance from time to time. This trait causes quarrels over money a subject that deeply upsets Taurus men, so ladies are warned! let him rule this side of things. However you both share a love of home, you support one another in career and both have a love of entertaining friends.
Some Taurus men become possessive lazy and stubborn forcing the normal very faithful Lioness into another's arms. This lower type Taurus also has oversexed problems and is best avoided at all costs.
Generally in sex matters you are well matched as you both have a healthy sexual appetite. It's in areas outside the bedroom that you have your biggest challenge.
Fire with fire is a very positive combination and providing both don't try and be the boss this can be a very stimulating duo .Leo can appreciate the Aries drive and initiative, while Aries is not overwhelmed by the big ideas power and largeness of Leo. Both signs are out going, extroverted, warm, zealous and vibrant.
Aries appreciates the real warmth from the company of Leo and they are often good friends as well as lovers. In the bedroom that warmth is kindled into fire as these two are almost boundless in their expression of love for each other
Often friends and admirers surround both these signs and they lap up any attention. As a couple you are great entertainers, you know how to have fun, through a party and are great company.
Both Aries and Leo love flirting but because both signs are freedom seeking
There is a sense of understanding. Underneath all the action Aries and Leo are really searching for somewhere to be loved unconditionally and there is no reason they can't find it together.
Between these two there is warmth, passion and admiration. He is one of the few who can get away with telling her what to do. The confidence of Aries could hold great attraction for the Leo woman. He seems to be constantly involved in a fight with life and earns her respect. His impulsive streak, however, may worry her for in most thongs she prefers to take her time and consider before acting.
The egos of both are exceptionally sensitive, she needs plenty of admiration and praise and he needs her encouragement in all his business activities, and when either ego is threatened they can become overbearing and violent, dramatic quarrels will take place however both of you do enjoy a good argument. The Aries male will not object to his Lioness having a career or ambitions in life just as long as he is not overshadowed.
Financial problems could strike this couple as they both enjoy the full comforts of life and either sign will not handle this pressure well.
Their aggressive traits could find their way into the bedroom especially after one of those fiery arguments (he may enjoy making love to her while hating her at the same time.) Sexually these two are very compatible a fiery relationship all-round.
Passion personified. When they sit together the world disappears. She may get more than she bargained for. This could be an instantaneous, fiery attraction, full of passion, warmth and absorption in each other. But trouble could spring from Leo's need for continuous admiration and for being treated as king of their castle, because Miss Aries is not naturally demonstrative. She will resent his love of flattery, especially if it comes from an attractive girl, but if her love is strong enough she may see how important this is to him and do her best to supply it herself.
She will have to aim at being his greatest admirer, all woman and all women rolled into one. The Lion will be able to handle his mate's restlessness and need for mental stimulation. While occasionally arrogant and patronising he may rightly point out that these traits are part of her personality also.
Mr Leo enjoys his sex and is adaptable, and when she decides to take the lead he will be most appreciative, being open-minded to the suggestions she will no doubt make.
This can be an excellent relationship with effort on both sides.