Girls: You can't ask your Mum - she doesn't get what you see in him.
Guys: Your mum don't approve.
Girls: You can't ask your Dad, he hates all the boys you bring home.
Guys: Dad says that girl is playing you boy.
Girls: You can't ask your friends - they would be so mad if they knew you were talking to him again.
Guys: Your friends are the reason you broke up.

You are in a relationship but the ex is always causing problems in your relationship. Sound familiar?

That's where we come in. Non-judgmental, just sound advice to empower your choices for your future.

Every love story is unique, filled with passion, joy, and sometimes uncertainty. Do you often wonder if you and your partner are truly meant to be? Are you destined to be together, or are there unseen forces at play, leading you through a cosmic dance? Understanding the nature of your relationship can be challenging, but with the help of a psychic reading, you can uncover the truth. Find out if you and your partner are star-crossed lovers or soul mates destined for eternity.

What a Psychic Reading Can Reveal About Your Relationship

Understanding Your Connection: A psychic reading can provide deep insights into the nature of your relationship. Are you together due to fate, a karmic connection, or a soul bond that transcends time. Discover the hidden layers of your connection and what they mean for your future.

Identifying Challenges and Opportunities: Every relationship faces obstacles and moments of growth. A psychic reading can help you identify the challenges you may face together and provide guidance on how to overcome them. Learn how to transform potential struggles into opportunities for deeper love and

Exploring Past Lives: Have you and your partner known each other in a previous life? Understanding your past life connections can shed light on recurring patterns, unresolved issues, or deep-seated attractions that influence your current relationship. A reading can unveil these mysteries and help you heal from past

Finding Your True Path: Are you and your partner on the right path together, or are there course corrections needed to ensure a harmonious future? A psychic reading can offer clarity and direction, helping you align with your highest potential as a couple.

Why Choose a Psychic Reading for Your Love Life?

How a Psychic Reading works with Pendragon Psychics and Tarot

  1. Choose Your Reader: Select from our team of talented psychic readers, each with a unique style and area of expertise.
  2. Ask Your Questions: Come prepared with specific questions or keep an open
    mind and see what messages the universe has for you.
  3. Receive Your Reading: Relax and let the insights flow. Your reader will connect
    with your energy and provide detailed, thoughtful guidance on your relationship.

Take the First Step Towards Clarity in your Love Life

Don’t leave your love life to chance. Find out if you are star-crossed lovers facing challenges from the cosmos, or soul mates meant to share a lifetime together. Our psychic readings can help you navigate the path of love with greater understanding and confidence.

Ready to Uncover the Truth About Your Love Life?

Book your psychic reading today and discover the answers your heart has been searching for. Whether you're seeking confirmation, guidance, or deeper understanding, our skilled readers are here to help you every step of the way.

Love is a journey - let us help you find your way.

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Read our page about how a Psychic Reading can benefit you

A traditional tarot card deck has 78 cards each with its own imagery and symbolism. Each card represents different aspects of life, situations or personal characteristics. When read as a spread or combination of cards, the cards become a tool to create a picture that tells a story that relates to the person who has asked for the reading. (querent). Every reading is different depending on the reader and the circumstances, but tarot cards are also a useful tool in offering insights and common-sense advice on the trials and excitements on this journey we call life.

Most readers start this journey curious to tap into their intuition and psychic abilities by giving and receiving simple tarot card readings with their friends and family.  Sometimes it is harder to read for friends and family and almost impossible to read for yourself than it is a complete stranger because you know them and have emotional expectations about the outcome. Whereas, with complete strangers it is actually quite surprising how perceptive people are when they are asked to give a reading for someone because the clues are always there; body language, verbal language and most people intuitively pick up the energy (vibes) of the people they are interacting with.

As with anything, the more you practice the better you become. Some readers are extremely intuitive and naturally gifted at reading the tarot cards because when they do a reading the cards ‘become alive’ and start interacting with each other and telling the story of the querent’s question. The most proficient tarot card readers are also gifted psychics and have the ability to ‘tune into guides’ and other information that goes beyond the five normal senses. Everyone has their own innate wisdom and the ability to be psychic or a tarot card reader depending on their desire and interest to create a practice that embraces this and brings it into their everyday life.

There are many different ways to read tarot cards, ranging from the simple to the complex. Starting with the basic yes / no spread, right up to using multiple cards to ask meaningful questions which takes the querent on a deep, introspective, spiritual and personal journey. The word spread in a tarot card reading means each card that is placed has a designated meaning, giving the reader an overview and the ability to use the cards in combination to create a story. The most common spreads are the three-card spread, the five-card spread and the Celtic Cross which uses ten cards.

There are many different tarot card or oracle decks which a reader may choose from, each with their own unique symbolism and messages. The reader will use the cards that will give them the most accurate and authentic information to share with their clients.

Written by Verna

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