Taurus and Aquarius _ Love Compatibility

August 29, 2024

When Taurus and Aquarius come together, they can move mountains. Taurus has a practical, down-to-earth approach to life. Aquarius has an unconventional, out-of-this-world approach to just about everything! They may appear to have few common interests, but they share a very strong desire to succeed. Once these two combine forces, they can succeed at anything.
Both Taurus and Aquarius can be implacable and opinionated. They like to do things their way with as little fuss as possible. Taurus appreciates routine and is conservative. Aquarius is modern and finds routine dull and boring. Taurus will find Aquarius exciting yet may feel frustrated trying to penetrate this inventor's mind. Aquarius will not appreciate the possessiveness of a Bull but will find the solid base Taurus provides to be a great support, although they will probably not admit to it.

Mr Taurus enjoys home life, a secure position and the respect of friends. Miss Aquarius can be indifferent to this while you sit at home watching Saturday sport on the TV, she might be out demonstrating somewhere!

While out demonstrating she may meet a man who shares her reformist ideas, thus arousing the strong Taurean jealousy. You tend to like a woman who looks after your needs, such as a good cook, entertainer, mother and of course a lady that can satisfy your considerable sexual energy. You are likely to be strongly attracted to Aquarius in a physical way but she has so many activities and other interests you may be left frustrated at times.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and Aquarius is ruled by Saturn and Uranus. Venus is a warm, feminine energy and Saturn a cold masculine energy. Uranus is about all things strange and unusual. Venus is about romance and physicality, both of which are important to Taurus. Saturn is about hard work and discipline to achieve goals while Uranus symbolizes forward thinking. Taurus will show Aquarius that life is based on emotions and improved by beauty and comfort. Aquarius can teach Taurus to be more aloof, to keep reaching out for what it wants and to move away from something if it is not working.

Taurus is an Earth Sign and Aquarius is an Air Sign. Aquarius operates through pure intellectual exploration, while Taurus is more practical. Taurus asks, how will this help me achieve my goals in life?" while Aquarians simply focus on what interests them practical or not and usually ask the question "what else"? At times these partners may find it difficult to understand where the other is coming from. Conflicts can arise in this relationship if Taurus seems too controlling or Aquarius seems too cold and aloof . Both partners need to learn that they view the world in different ways.

Taurus and Aquarius are both Fixed Signs. Together they share a strong will and tremendous gumption when striving toward a goal. If they have a plan they stay with it until they see results. Therefore if each partner commits to the other this relationship will be rock solid. Their strong magnetic attraction will never be severed but if they have differing ideas they may find themselves in constant conflict. Taurus won't change their mind because they see it as a collapse of their authority and character and Aquarius may see Taurus as being too inflexible dull and boring. If they realize that working together is more productive than butting heads they will remain productive. Taurus is more quietly determined than Aquarius though and might -- to a degree -- give in to avoid all-out war when it seems practical to do so.

The best aspect of the Taurus-Aquarius relationship is when they decide to come together they are an unstoppable team. Both Signs have very powerful personalities so neither will dominate the other -- no matter how hard they try! Once they can work out their differences come together and can agree on their individual roles within the team the dynamics of this relationship can be wonderful!

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