Taurus and Gemini _ Love Compatibility

August 12, 2024

Taurus is the earthiest sign, while airy Gemini is extremely restless, volatile and changeable, so your basic needs and motives are poles apart. Gemini's love of constant change and variety can be unsettling for Taurus who likes to stay put. It will be 'mission impossible' if Taurus should try to possess Gemini.

She needs stability; he can't live without change. She worries about security while he can't think past the present. Fun sexually.
When Miss Taurus meets the Gemini man she will be wise to keep cool for a while before becoming involved with him, as it would be too easy for a wild infatuation to be mistaken for love.
Her artistic interests won't impress him much unless they are to a professional standard. The last thing he wants is the domestic type; involved in a hectic social life himself he needs a woman who can share this with him. She is a bit of a homebody but her flair as a hostess and her easy way with mixing with people will suit him down to the ground.
She may however try to curb his tendency to flirt on these occasions, as the Taurean jealousy is never far away. Gemini men have a deep need to communicate all the time they MUST converse, analyse and mix with people, and her attempts to possess him could threaten this relationship.
He does admire the time and care given to her appearance and the talent she displays for organisation. At times he will see the strength in her character and seek refuge when the world seems to get the better of him.
He has chameleon-like mood swings, which may plague their sex life and are totally incomprehensible to her. One day he is a mischievous little boy the next animal and basic (the twins)
Her predictable nature in bed could drive him into a more imaginative woman's bed. She should practise variety is the spice of life in the bedroom and out to keep his interest. This after a while could be tiring for her. Not the easiest relationship as if requires a high level of on going maintenance.

She can't stand him telling her what to do, he's looking for a stable relationship and she seems a little unstable to him.
Both parties tend to indulge in romantic fancy on occasions, and while the Gemini woman is in this frame of mind she may be attracted to Mr Taurus. His slow and conservative way of proceeding through life will eventually grate on her nerves, however, and his stubborn refusal to even consider change she will look on as shortsightedness. She loves the domestic environment he likes to create with her but she needs more than this. Your Taurus male will expect you to assume the role of housewife and confine you yo a role of motherhood very quickly. The typical Gemini will be thinking to herself that life has more to offer. Things will reach an impasse when he finally concludes she cannot fulfil his expectations.

In the arts and activities associated with them Taurus and Gemini have a mutual interest so working together on some project in this area will strengthen bonds.
In sexual matters the Taurus is very well developed but his direct approach could offend her. If he can control this tendency he may be able to arouse hidden feelings in her but his jealousy can be all consuming, causing her much suffering and driving her away from him. She likes and needs attention from the opposite sex in a flirty manner at times angering her Taurus mate.

Sexually you are well matched but your approach to lovemaking can be vastly different. Gemini needs mental stimulation to arouse her physically while the Taurus tends to express himself fully through his emotions and sexuality. Any relationship other than marriage is recommended.

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